Thursday, November 20, 2014


Welcome to The Vintage Chicks Club.

My name is Linda and I am the Vintage Queen of this Club.

How did this group begin? Well sit back and let me begin.

Many years ago I started to make children's name plaques and matching
 accessories for their rooms.

Remember back those days we did not have computers where you can
reach people in the social media like we do today.

So by word of mouth my little business grew.

 One day I joined a little group call the Stitch and Bitch Club.

That day was the most wonderful and exciting day of my life.

We Stitched from 9 am in the morning till 2.30 pm.
 Learning new techniques from each other. 

After my second week it was so hard to leave the group.

Well  I didn't leave the group exactly, you see I was having so much fun,
but I had to pick up my children from School and take them home,
help with homework and start dinner. You remember those days or your still at the point where you are doing what we used to do.

Where was the drive through Macca"s those days when I needed them...Lol

So a few weeks later, I called up my Dearest Friends and invited
them over to my home to show them what I had learned to make.

That afternoon the Girls decided that I should get a Group going for woman
 that loved to create cards and scrapbooking, as some of my Gorgeous friends
 where not that much into Stitching. So out of no where we thought a few names,
 and we came up with the Vintage Chicks Club, due to my love of Vintage.

So today we have a wide range of Media, a group of Ladies that know
how to have fun and create, and the will to learn each day goes by.

I am so blessed to have met and still I am meeting such
Wonderful, Giving, Sharing and Creative women.

This Club is for woman ageing between 10 and 100 Plus.

To become a Vintage Chick you must have the requirements below....

If you have these requirements and would like to join our Club please email me.

Look forward to hearing from you and until then Keep Creating!!! VQ

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